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It's almost May 🌸

Stephanie Faye

It's been wild since March/April. It's kind of hard to wrap my mind around the fact that this upcoming Saturday is May 1st? Like time has gone by fast and slow at the same time & it's wrecking me! I haven't written a blog in almost two months; I'm trying to get back on a blog monthly or bi-weekly schedule where I talk about more things than updates. Anyway, here's a small update:


Since March our family has been doing a lot. My husband & I DEEP cleaned our garage like bleached it out, got rid of cobwebs, cleaned the cracks & everything. We also finished a majority of our renovation downstairs. The trim looks super nice & the garage looks so aestheically clean!

My office has also acquired a lot more plants since my eldest has been working full time temporarily. She works at a garden center & she brings home plants that are on sale & that are dying that we can bring back to life. It's such a beautiful office now- it's got my record player, my plants, two bookshelves, & my typewriter keyboard. It's like an author's dream, now if only I can keep my kids from coming in & bugging me.

We also started a small (I cannot emphasize that word enough) garden. We wanted to try to grow our own blueberries, strawberries, and potatoes. So far it's doing pretty well however, the recent thunderstorms as well as the random frost that hit us recently made them look a little sickly. We are trying our best to get them back & help them to grow. But as we all know the saying goes, "april showers bring may flowers". My husband & I re-did our front of house plants as well with some really pretty flowers. So right now the front & back yard look really nice!

The cats have been well, the dragon too. My eldest has been practicing her editing & her film writing. My youngest is finishing up her first semester at college & prepping for her finals right now. My son is working hard & trying to save up some money. He's been gaming a lot but that's not unusal :) Not only that, we also celebrated my husband's birthday this month & this week is our anniversary! So we have a lot going on & we have all been busy working and creating.

Book Update:

I have (more or less) finished BOOK 3! It's a super rough draft but nevertheless it is finished. I am currently editing it. I have my trailer maker on standby & some beta readers ready to read it whenever I'm finished. I am also planning another giveaway, maybe for the second book. What would you all like the giveaway to be? The first book? The second book? Let me know in the comments! Congrats as well to everyone who won the contest in March as well! I hope you all enjoy the second book & share your reviews.

Thanks again for you all being patient for the third book & the giveaways!

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