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New Year, New Book List✨

Stephanie Faye

Hello all you gorgous peoples! Book 2 is like 95% done! All the chapter breaks are finished & are being put together. The trailer for Book 2 is halfway done, my editor is putting some cool things together. I am currently working with Goodreads to set up another giveaway as well. Just as a reminder: Zelina: the First Glyph is also on sale: $10.95 for an autographed print, $9.99 for regular printed, $0.99 on Kindle, & free on Kindle Unlimited.


With every New Year, I like to make a list of books that I would like to read within the year. Don't worry I won't put the whole list on here :) Instead, I'll just list three that I am trying to read this year. Of course if you have any reccomendations you can comment below or on any social media (Facebook/Instagram).

  1. IT by Stephen King. I read it once a long time ago & immensely enjoyed it. Of course I loved Stephen King when I was younger but I really enjoyed his works like IT, Carrie, Cujo, Pet Semetary, etc. I don't remember much of this book but enjoying the creature Pennywise so I am wanting to reread it this year. This book has made several movies on it but if you haven't read/seen it, here's a little synopsis: In 1957 in Derry Maine, five-year-old Georgie Denbrough is found deceased by a storm drain with his arm ripped off. It is officially labeled an accident but his brother and his friends don't believe it. They think it's the work of a creature they've come to call IT, an ancient creature that takes the children of Derry & that are never found.

2. Pride Prejudice & Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith. Don't get me wrong, I love Pride & Prejudice & Jane Austen with every fiber of my being. However, when my eldest daughter was younger, she read this book that she got at book fair & reccomended it to me for forever. I love parodies & like modern re-makes of historical books. I did enjoy the movie though not as much as the 2005 Pride & Prejudice. I still haven't read it but it's my goal to read it this year. It's not as long or as profound as the original but I am excited to read it. In case you haven't heard of it, here's a little synopsis: The story follows the plot of Pride & Prejudice but places the novel in the alternative universe version wehre zombies roam the English countryside. Mr. & Mrs. Bennet have five daughters who have been trained by Chinese masters in the deadly art of killing zombies. However, Mrs. Bennet would really like to see her five daughters married. When a rich guy moves into the neighborhood with his equally handsome/wealthy friend it causes complications with not only the hearts of the daughters but also the zombie population!

3. Good Omens: The Nice & Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch: by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman. My eldest daughter also reccomended this one. She read it last year & loved it! She was always coming up to me & showing me funny excerpts from the book. We then watched the show & I enjoyed the humor in the show & she said it was pretty close to the book! I love Neil Gaiman as an author & I enjoy a lot of his books or his movies/tv shows. So this novel I am really looking forward to reading this year. Though it was written in 1990, the story really is timeless & hilarous. In case you haven't read/watched it, here's a little synopsis: Azaraphale the angel and Crowley the demon should be enemies, but after thousands of years together on earrth and they are trying their best to do their part in the Great Plan. When the antichrist is bron they both agree to influence the child as it grows as to not destroy Earth. They later discover they have been with the wrong child all along and the antichrist is still out there. By the time they find the antichrist, Armageddon is right around the corner and they are forced to save the world together.


So those are a few that are on my list! I haven't read them (except for IT) yet but I am really looking forward to it! I am currently finishing up my Richard Paul Evans book & then I'll start on the next! Again, if you have any reccomendations you can comment below or on any social media (Facebook/Instagram) - I'd love to hear them! I am always open to new books!! What are you all planning on reading this year?



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